A small bouquet of food and alcohol will be a good substitute flower bouquet, especially true for those who do not like flowers, but love sausages and cheese.
A pleasant and practical gift for both men and women.
Present an original bouquet for your birthday or just as a sign of attention!
A delicious hearty bouquet will delight and pleasantly surprise the recipient.
Bouquet "Man's set"
- Whiskey
- Mini baguettes
- Peppers
- Cherie
- 3 types of cheese
- 5 types of sausages
Delivery is not included in the price
Any order can be divided into payments.
The composition of the bouquet can be partially changed, while maintaining the style concept of the bouquet. The final design of the bouquet may differ slightly from the photo posted on the Site.
Orders are accepted at least 2 days in advance!